Tim Van Wassenhove

Passionate geek, interested in Technology. Proud father of two

19 Mar 2006

Plugin template for WordPress

Today i’ve been cleaning up my code. All my plugins live in a directory %plugin_name% under the wp-content/plugins directory. Here is the code for %plugin_name%/%plugin_name%.php

Plugin Name: %plugin_name%
Version: %plugin_version%
Plugin URI: %plugin_uri%
Description: %plugin_description%

Author URI: %plugin_author_uri%

// Direct access is not allowed.
if (!function\_exists('load_plugin_textdomain')) {
} else {
$plugin_name = substr(basename(__FILE__), 0, -4);

// You can add optional parameters to the constructor, eg: the wpdb instance.
$%plugin_class% = new %plugin_class%($plugin_name);

Now it’s time to implement the %plugin_class%. Here is the template for %plugin_name%/%plugin_class%.php:


class %plugin_class% {
  var $_plugin_name;

  var $_localization_domain;
  var $_localization_path;

  function %plugin_class%($plugin_name = '%plugin_name%') {
    $this->_plugin_name = $plugin_name;

$this->_localization_domain = $plugin_name;
$this->_localization_path = 'wp-content/plugins/' . $plugin_name;

// You can add additional hooks and filters here.
add_action('activate_' . $plugin_name . '/' . $plugin_name . '.php', array(&$this, 'OnActivation'));
add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this, 'OnAdminMenu'));

function OnAdminMenu() {
load_plugin_textdomain($this->_localization_domain, $this->_localization_path);
add_options_page(__('%plugin_name% Options', $this->_localization_domain), __('%plugin_name%', $this->_localization_domain), 'manage_options',$this->_plugin_name . '/' . $this->_plugin_name . '-options.php', array(&$this, 'OnDisplayOptions'));

function OnDisplayOptions() {
$%plugin_class% = "";
require( dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . $this->_plugin_name . '-options.php');

function OnActivation() {
// This code is executed when the plugin is activated.
// I prepend all my option names with $this->_plugin_name.
add_option($this->_plugin_name . '_somevar', 'foo');

The code above requires that you create a %plugin_name%/%plugin_name%-options.php file to administrate the options. Here is the template for that file:

// Direct access is not allowed.
if (!isset($%plugin_class%)) {

load_plugin_textdomain($%plugin_class%->_localization_domain, $%plugin_class%->_localization_path);

// Handle post action.
if ($_POST['stage'] == 'process') {
// All the names of form variables start with %plugin_class%_plugin_name.
if (isset($_POST[$%plugin_class%->_plugin_name . '_somevar'])) {
// Do processing here.


The only thing that we still have to do is generate a po file with xgettext, translate it and compile a %plugin_name%/%plugin_name%-en_EN.mo file.