Tim Van Wassenhove

Passionate geek, interested in Technology. Proud father of two

06 Jul 2007

About Authorization

Yesterday i visited an evening session about authentication and authorization at Compuware (Yes, i’ve got interesting collegues that are willing to share their knowledige). Anyway, i left the meeting with a couple of questions

How does System.Security.Principal.PrincipalPolicy work under Mono?

Well, NoPrincipal and UnauthenticatedPrincipal behave exactly the same way as they do in the Microsoft implementation. For the WindowsPrincipal the unix groups are used to determine the result of IsInRole. eg

//lists the groups the user timvw is part of:
//timvw@debian:~$ groups
//timvw dialout cdrom floppy audio video plugdev

IPrincipal principal = Thread.CurrentPrincipal;

string[] roles = new string[] { "floppy", "wheel" };
foreach(string role in roles)
	Console.WriteLine("{0} is in the {1} role: {2}.", principal.Identity.Name, role, principal.IsInRole(role));

// the output:
//timvw@debian:~$ ./Main.exe
//timvw is in the floppy role: True.
//timvw is in the wheel role: False.

How are instances of IPrincipal propgated into other threads?

A bit of research learned me that BeginInvoke and Thread.Start copy the Thread.CurrentPrincipal into the new thread and that ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem and System.Threading.Timer don’t copy the Thread.CurrentPrincipal.

How can i use the Authorization Manager without Windows Identity?

A possible solution would be the following

static string GetSid()
	// modify this so that it contains an application and user id
	return "S-1-9-1-1";

// By passing in 1 as the second parameter, no verification of the SID against the AD is performed
IAzClientContext cctx = app.InitializeClientContextFromStringSid(GetSid(), 1, null);

// Because the MMC does not allow you to add custom SIDs you'll have to edit to add these manually (eg: by using the API)
IAzApplicationGroup group = app.OpenApplicationGroup("DemoApplicationUsers", null);
group.AddMember(GetSid(), null);
group.Submit(0, null);

// And now you can verify is the custom SID has access to a given operation:
Console.WriteLine(HasAccess(cctx, null, new int[] { 1 }));

static bool HasAccess(IAzClientContext context, string[] scopeNames, int[] operationIds)
	string subject = "audit";

	object scopes;
	if (scopeNames == null || scopeNames.Length == 0)
		scopes = new object[] { "" };
		scopes = Array.ConvertAll<string, object>(scopeNames, delegate(string scopeName) { return scopeName; });

	object[] operations = Array.ConvertAll<int, object>(operationIds, delegate(int operationId) { return operationId; });
	object[] results = (object[])context.AccessCheck(subject, scopes, operations, null, null, null, null, null);
	foreach (object result in results)
		if ((int)result != 0)
			return false;

	return true;