Tim Van Wassenhove

Passionate geek, interested in Technology. Proud father of two

09 Sep 2007

Presenting SqlCeClientFactory

Apart from Microsoft.SqlServerCe.Client.SqlCeClientFactory in Microsoft.SqlServerCe.Client (an undocumented and unsupported library) there is no DbProviderFactory for System.Data.SqlServerCe. Today i decided to write a SqlCeClientFactory

public class SqlCeClientFactory : DbProviderFactory
	public static readonly SqlCeClientFactory Instance = new SqlCeClientFactory();

	public override DbCommand CreateCommand()
		return new SqlCeCommand();

	public override DbCommandBuilder CreateCommandBuilder()
		return new SqlCeCommandBuilder();

	public override DbConnection CreateConnection()
		return new SqlCeConnection();

	public override DbDataAdapter CreateDataAdapter()
		return new SqlCeDataAdapter();

	public override DbParameter CreateParameter()
		return new SqlCeParameter();

As you can see, the implementation is trivial, so i still wonder why microsoft didn’t provide it. Anyway, here is how our App.config would look like if we wanted to register and use the SqlCeClientFactory (we could also install the assembly in the GAC and edit machine.config so that all applications can take advantage of it)

		<add name="localdb" providerName="System.Data.SqlServerCe" connectionString="Data Source='localdb.sdf';"/>
			<add name="SQL Server Everywhere Edition Data Provider" invariant="System.Data.SqlServerCe" description=".NET Framework Data Provider for Microsoft SQL Server Everywhere Edition" type="SqlCeApplication.SqlCeClientFactory, SqlCeApplication" />

And now we can use the DbConnectionHelper to create a DbConnection and do some work

static void Main(string[] args)
	using (DbConnection conn = DbConnectionHelper.GetConnection("localdb"))
		// do some work...

	Console.Write("{0}Press any key to continue...", Environment.NewLine);