Tim Van Wassenhove

Passionate geek, interested in Technology. Proud father of two

26 Sep 2008

Presenting templates for int and string ValueObjects

Most ValueObjects that i have implemented were wrappers around an int or a string. Apart from the domain specific rules, there is a lot of repetitive work in implementing operator overloads, IEquatable, IComparable, … Thus i decided to create a couple of Item templates that generate this code (and related tests).

Simply save IntValueObject.zip and StringValueObject.zip under %My Documents%\Visual Studio 2005\Templates\ItemTemplates and click on “Add New Item” in your project:

screenshot of add new item dialog in visual studio

Add the bottom of the dialog you can choose one of the templates:

screenshot of add new item dialog in visual studio

Here is the result of adding an International Standard Book Number class:

screenshot of generated artificates for isbn