Setup expectation with successive function calls using Moq
In the Quickstart guide we find an example that shows us how to setup a different return value for each invocation as following
// returning different values on each invocation
var mock = new Mock<ifoo>();
var calls = 0;
mock.Setup(foo => foo.Execute("ping"))
.Returns(() => calls)
.Callback(() => calls++);
// returns 0 on first invocation, 1 on the next, and so on
In Moq Triqs – Successive Expectations i found inspiration to implement an extension method that allows me to define an expectation that calls a set of successive functions
public static class MoqExtensions
public static IReturnsResult<tmock> ReturnsInOrder<tmock, TResult>(this ISetup<tmock, TResult> setup, params Func<tresult>[] valueFunctions) where TMock : class
var functionQueue = new Queue<func<tresult>>(valueFunctions);
return setup.Returns(() => functionQueue.Dequeue()());
This allows me to define a set of functions that i want to be called for each successive call
public class WhenSettingUpOrderedExpectationFunctions
interface ICategory { int Id { get; } }
public void ShouldReturnTheSequenceOfIds()
var category = new Mock<icategory>();
category.Setup(c => c.Id).ReturnsInOrder(
() => 1,
() => 2,
() => 3,
() => 4);
var expectedIds = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
foreach (var expectedId in expectedIds) Assert.Equal(expectedId, category.Object.Id);