Tim Van Wassenhove

Passionate geek, interested in Technology. Proud father of two

16 Jul 2008

Presenting a generic DiscreteValuesRange

Let me start with a real world example demonstrating the usefulness of a generic DiscreteValuesRange. Imagine that i run a grid computing business and my clients want to book capacity on the grid for a given period. Before their booking is approved, i have to verify that the client has contracts that allow him to use the system for each day of the booking period. Usually, such a check is implemented as following

bool CheckEachDayIsCovered(Booking booking, Client client)
	DateRange periodToCheck = booking.Period;
	DateTime endOfTime = new DateTime(9999, 12, 31);

	DateTime dayToCheck = periodToCheck.Begin;
	while (dayToCheck <= periodToCheck.End) 
		bool dayIsCovered = false; 
		foreach (Contract contract in client.Contracts) 
			if (contract.Period.Includes(dayToCheck)) 
				dayIsCovered = true; 
				if (contract.Period.End < endOfTime) 
					dayToCheck = contract.Period.End.AddDays(1); 
					return true; 
		if (!dayIsCovered) 
			return false; 
	return true; 

After a while clients want to buy licenses for only a couple of hours instead of a full day. I realise that my check can remain the same, but that the concept “EndOfTime” has become DateTime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59) and that i can advance only an hour instead of a day. Since i want to reuse my code i define the IDiscreteValueProvider interface (See Discrete Space)

interface IDiscreteValuesProvider<T>
	T GetNextValue(T value);
	T MaxValue { get; }

After this i’m able to implement a DiscreteValuesRange that implements the following interface (See: Generic Range)

interface IDiscreteValuesRange<T> : IRange<T>
	bool IsCoveredByRanges(IEnumerable<idiscreteValuesRange<T>> ranges);

Now, with all this infrastructure i can rewrite my original method as following:

bool CheckEachDayIsCovered(Booking booking, Client client)
	return booking.Period.IsCoveredByRanges(client.GetContractPeriods());

class Client
	IEnumerable<range<dateTime>> GetContractPeriods()
		foreach (Contract contract in this.Contracts)
			yield return contract.Period;

Feel free to download all this infrastructure: DiscreteRange.zip and use it for your next coverage check.