Tim Van Wassenhove

Passionate geek, interested in Technology. Proud father of two

19 Nov 2009

Silverlight and unit testing..

A while ago i was looking for a unittesting framework that can be used with Silverlight. Because i don’t want to launch a webbrowser on my buildserver i ruled the Unit Test Framework for Microsoft Silverlight out. A couple of websearches later i decided to try a Silverlight port of good ol’ NUnit, nunitsilverlight, and was pretty pleased with results.

A couple of things to keep in mind though:

  • Make sure your test runner loads the correct System assembly (Possible solution: set Copy Local to true in your test project)
  • In case your test runner has to run tests in both ‘regular’ and ‘silverlight’ assemblies, make sure that your runner uses separate AppDomains (For NUnit use the /Domain=Multiple option)