Making the TemplateFileTask easier to use...
One of the disadvantages of the TemplateFile task (msbuildtasks) is the fact that it requires a lot of typing to define template values
<ItemGroup Condition= " '$(ConfigurationEnvironment)'=='build' ">
<Tokens Include="a">
<Tokens Include="b">
Here is a format proposition to make this a lot more finger friendly
<variables env="build">
<x name="a">localhost</x>
<x name="b><mynode/></x>
Here is the msbuild script we need to achieve that
<!-- Retreive all template values for the specific environment -->
<XmlQuery XmlFileName="$(ConfigurationFile)" XPath = "//variables[@env='$(ConfigurationEnvironment)']/*">
<Output TaskParameter="Values" ItemName="Values" />
<-- Construct @Tokens -->
<Tokens Include="%(">
<!-- Generate the configuration files -->
<Message Text="Available variables:" />
<Message Text="====================" />
<Message Text="%(Tokens.Identity): %(Tokens.ReplacementValue)" />
Happy coding!