Tim Van Wassenhove

Passionate geek, interested in Technology. Proud father of two

20 Nov 2016

Parsing lines from Spark RDD

A typical Apache Spark application using RDD api starts as following:

val lines = sc.textFile("/path/to/data")
val records = lines.map(parseLineToRecord)

case class Record(...)

def parseLineToRecord(line: String) : Record = {
  val parts = line.split("\t", -1)

In case of bad records you very often want to discard the unparseable lines:

def parseLineToRecordOption(line: String) = Option[Record] = {
  try {
  } catch {
    case _ => None

val records = lines.map(parseLineToRecordOption).filter(x => x.isDefined).map(x => x.get)

And then you discover that you there is an implicit conversion from Option[T] to Iterable[T]. The nice thing is that you now can use flatMap instead of filter + map:

val records = lines.flatMap(parseLineToRecordOption)

Strangely enough there is no such implicit conversion for a Try[T] so we convert to Option first:

def tryParseLineToRecordOption(line: String) : Try[Record] =
  Try {

val records = lines.map(tryParseLineToRecordOption).flatMap(x => x.toOption)