Tim Van Wassenhove

Passionate geek, interested in Technology. Proud father of two

06 Aug 2012

Using eID on OS X Mountain Lion

Last week or so I got myself a MacBook Air and I am really loving it so far. Today I needed to use my eID so I installed...
20 May 2012

Add missing books to iTunes

These days i read most books on my ipad. The problem is that iTunes does not seem to add pdf files when i choose ‘...
26 Apr 2012

Multiclean solution

One of my favorite powershell commands when cleaning up: $RootFolder = 'C:\tfs' Get-ChildItem $RootFolder bin -R...
27 Mar 2012

An example of Common Table Expression and Window function usage...

Earlier this week some colleague had been assigned a maintenance task and asked me how I would solve it. Every customer ...
28 Oct 2011

Say no to primitives in your API.. and make your software more explicit

A while ago I wrote some code like this: public interface ICanBroadcast { public void Broadcast(string message) { ... } ...
18 Oct 2011

Force the removal of a file with PowerShell

Last couple of weeks I have been generating a lot of files (and restricting their ACLs) and today I decided to remove al...
22 Sep 2011

Remove all access rules from a directory

A while ago i needed to write some code that removes all (existing/inherited) access rules from a given directory. It wa...
19 Aug 2011

Use SQL Server Profiler to see if a connection is pooled

It took me a couple of websearches to discover how i can see in SQL Server Profiler whether or not a connection is poole...
18 Aug 2011

SqlConnectionStringBuilder sets the Pooling property to true by default

Here is something that surprised me: SqlConnectionStringBuilder sets the Pooling property to true by default.
01 Aug 2011

Specialized solution for aggregate string concatenation

I have noticed that most people come up with the following solution to build a string in T-SQL: WITH [Numbers] AS ( SELE...