Tim Van Wassenhove
Passionate geek, interested in Technology. Proud father of two
All posts
Nov 2021
Hosting a secure registry on microk8s
The documentation for microk8s seems to suggest that there is a built-in registry that can be used, but not in a secure ...
Mar 2021
Notes on microk8s and cert-manager
Last couple of weeks I’ve been using MicroK8s for local development. Installing current version of cert-manager ju...
Jan 2021
Use cases for Github Actions
These days many systems are built with Unix Philosophy in mind, but the applications are in the form of containers. How ...
Jan 2021
cluster-info on k8s cluster with limited permissions
When you have limited access (eg: only a specific namespace (~ openshift project) on a kubernetes cluster you may not be...
Dec 2020
Leverage Terraform to create virtual machine scaleset with spot instances
In a previous post I demonstrated how easy it has become to deploy a webapplications with an HTTPS backend on Kubernetes...
Feb 2020
Leverage Terraform, NGINX Ingress Controller, cert-manager and Let's Encrypt to quickly create a Kubernetes cluster on AWS.
In my previous post I demonstrated how easy it has become to deploy a webapplications with an HTTPS backend on Kubernete...
Feb 2020
Leverage Terraform, NGINX Ingress Controller, cert-manager and Let's Encrypt to quickly create a Kubernetes cluster which can serve webapps over HTTPS.
In this post I demonstrate how easy it has become to create a kubernetes cluster which serves webapplications over HTTPS...
Dec 2016
Looking back at 2016
Starting 2016 at Emergency Care was a game changer for me. On a personal level I have successfully changed my diet and l...
Nov 2016
Parsing lines from Spark RDD
A typical Apache Spark application using RDD api starts as following: val lines = sc.textFile("/path/to/data") v...
Oct 2016
Blog migrated to Jekyll
As many other people I have decided to leave Wordpress behind and move to Jekyll instead. Most posts have been migrated ...
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