Tim Van Wassenhove

Passionate geek, interested in Technology. Proud father of two

21 Apr 2006

Simple serialization and deserialization of public class members

Here is a simple generic class that allows you to serialize classes (well, their public members) into XML and deserialize the XML to objects again. Make sure the class (or struct) has a parameterless constructor and that all the members that you want to serialize are public. Here is the code

public class SimpleSerializer<t>
	public String Serialize(T o)
		using(MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream())
			XmlSerializer s = new XmlSerializer(o.GetType());
			s.Serialize(m, o);
			return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(m.ToArray());

	public T Deserialize(String xml)
		using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xml)))
			XmlSerializer s = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
			return (T)s.Deserialize(m);

Here is a simple example of a class that will be serialized

public struct Person 
	public String firstname;
	public String lastname;

	public Person(String firstname, String lastname) 
		this.firstname = firstname;
		this.lastname = lastname;

And finally, a simple console application that demonstrates how it works:

class Program 
	static void Main(string[] args)
		Person p1 = new Person("Tim", "Van Wassenhove");
		SimpleSerializer<person> ss = new SimpleSerializer<person>();

		String xml = ss.Serialize(p1);
		Console.WriteLine("serialized:\n" + xml);

		Person p2 = ss.Deserialize(xml);
		Console.WriteLine("unserialized name: " + p2.firstname);

		Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");