Tim Van Wassenhove
Passionate geek, interested in Technology. Proud father of two
All posts
Quick reminder about the workings of Type.IsAssignableFrom
Removing Dead Tracks (Duplicates that don't exist) from iTunes using C#
Sometimes you can write it better than Resharper
Support both GET and HEAD requests on the same method with WCF REST
WCF REST: generate correct Content-Length header for HEAD request
Enumerating SpecialFolders
Get root directory for IsolatedStorageFiles
Exploring System.Interactive
Learned something from Resharper: Enumerable.OfType<TResult>
Calculate EndpointAddress for Silverlight client
Another missing method for IEnumerable<T>
Verify that a X509Certificate can be used for key exchange
Presenting ValueType<T>
Programming the Bus Pirate with C#
About raising events
Creating graphs with the Silverlight Toolkit
Creating series of elements
Ninject: connect an IProxyFactory component to the kernel
In case you really have to Append one array to another
Easy pattern for Control state
Couple of methods missing on ObservableCollection
Presenting FilterList
Another method i wrote once too many
Party for one
Presenting PathBuilder
Separation of concerns: Behavior = Trigger + TriggerAction
True KeyBehavior with System.Windows.Interactivity.Behavior
Silverlight: leveraging attached properties to handle key events
ViewModel to translate domain messages to view events
Fluent Builders: More than creating context specifications
Fluent Builders: The case against implicit conversion
Fluent Builders: The case against implicit conversion (2)
Brad Abrams and extension methods to the rescue..
Improve readability with LINQ
Instruct T4 to use C# v3.5
Extension methods to improve readability
About the design of a fluent interface
About the implementation of a fluent interface
Presenting ControlStateMachine
Presenting ControlChanges
Experimenting with ControlStateMachine and Fluent interfaces
Small modification to achieve better modularity with Prism
Using the Do handler for a method with out parameters
Measuring elapsed time
POC: Moq API adapter for Rhino Mocks
Strict mocks lead to overspecification
Comparing Moq to Rhino Mocks
Getting started with Moq
Another reason for not using mstest
Setup expectation with successive function calls using Moq
Using sed
Presenting MyTestRunner
Query a specific Google Calendar
Refactoring Application Environment (Part 2)
How does the controller know which action method to invoke?
Adaptive control behavior: LinkButton without javascript
Revisited the int and string ValueObject templates
Experimenting with NDepend
Presenting templates for int and string ValueObjects
Why MockRepository does not implement IDisposable
Refactoring ApplicationEnvironment
Refactoring EffectivityManager
Presenting ApplicationEnvironment
Presenting ConfigurationFileSession
Presenting a couple of custom MarkupExtensions
Presenting WindowsIdentityHelper
Presenting AssemblyTypePicker
Presenting EventHandlerHelper
Presenting ItemEventArgs<T>
Presenting OneTimePasswordMembershipProvider
Presenting HMAC-Based OTP and Time-Based OTP
Presenting TimeSpanHelper
Presenting UriHelper
Presenting NameValueCollectionHelper
Presenting EnumerableHelper
Presenting the SortableBindingList<T> (take two)
NHibernate SessionFactory configuration
Presenting HtmlClipboard
Example implementation of a callback method for use in the Asynchronous Programming Model
Enumerate all properties and their value of an object
Exploring the Microsoft Sync Framework
Using Linq for statically-typed reflection
Using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement to find the members of an AD group
Exploring alternative input: ActiveHome
Find the members of an AD group
Display WorkItems in a WinForms application
Find WorkItems that have been changed between two dates
Writing Xml without the XmlDeclaration
Introducing DeferredExecutionHelper
Generating Artifacts By Using Text Templates
How the name of an embedded resource is generated in a C# project
Updating Assembly References with TFS
Programming the csproj file
Build your own netstat.exe with c#
Presenting SqlCeClientFactory
Query a Web Service hosted outside IIS with it's DNS name
Using DateTimePicker and Custom Format
ClickOnce Deployment is not user-friendly!
Bending the code generation of IExtenderProvider to your will
Exploring CodeDomSerializer
List string resources
Debugging custom UITypeEditors
Helper methods for DbProviderFactory
Exploring formatting...
Using interfaces with Drag and Drop
Pondering about DateTime and it's Ticks...
About Authorization
About additional precision and unpredicted behaviour...
Improvements for the SortableBindingList (and TypedList)
Presenting the ExpressionDescriptor
Presenting the TypedList<T>
Exploring DataGridViewComboBoxColumn databinding (part2)
Presenting the MultiPanel
Performing long running tasks in a Windows Application
Get the complement of a Color
Get hexadecimal RGB value from System.Drawing.Color
Programming .NET Components
DataGridView to Excel
Little INotifyPropertyChanged helper
Presenting the SortableBindingList<T>
Don't wait until the DateTimePicker has lost focus to write back the values
Control the order of Properties in your Class
Presenting the DataGridViewLargeTextBoxCell
About Thread-Safe GUI...
Reading and writing unmanged structs from binary files
Exploring DataGridViewComboBoxColumn databinding
Making WebRequests in parallel...
Hide and unhide columns (or rows) in the DataGridView
Presenting a Generic RemotingHelper
Databinding a Nullable<T> property
Generating UTF-8 with System.Xml.XmlWriter
The NullableDateAndTimePicker Control
Enable and disable TabPages on a TabControl
Developing a DataSource for your DataGridView
Print a Control
Exploring System.CodeDom
Drag and Drop Microsoft Office Outlook Contacts on your WinForm
A DateAndTimePicker control
Looking up the MediaType of a given Logical Drive
Simple OutlookBar Control
Pondering about the difference between abstract classes and interfaces
Helper methods for DateTime
What goes up must come down...
Master-Slave for databound ComboBoxes
A better look at the Foreach statement
Querying Active Directory
Using a collection as parameter for a stored procedure
Updating the Internet Options / Lan Settings
Screenshot of DataGridViews
Accessing ConnectionStrings from App.config in a Console Application Project
From UnixTime to DateTime and back
Code 39 barcodes recognizer
Anonymous methods
DataGridView with EditOnEnter as EditMode
Drag and Drop on a DataGridView
Inconsistent Drag and Drop API
Adding DataGridViewColumns (lots of them)
Implementing Master/Detail for Custom Objects with DataGridViewComboBoxColumns
Using DataGridViewComboBoxColumn with Custom Objects
List the month names
Selecting custom Objects from a ComboBox
Selecting custom Objects from a DataGridView
Unable to enlist in a distributed transaction
Inserting pause to your Console Applications
eID with .NET
Windows Multimedia Video Capture
Windows Image Acquisition
Experimenting with LINQ Preview (May 2006)
Building a chain of responsibility with delegates
Simple serialization and deserialization of public class members
More about marshalling
Parsing XML