Tim Van Wassenhove

Passionate geek, interested in Technology. Proud father of two

23 Jul 2006

eID with .NET

When i started working (already 3 weeks ago) i recieved a laptop. Friday i discovered that this laptop has a Smart card reader and i wanted to experiment with it. I thought it would be nice if i could read the data on my eID. Apart from Accessing the eID Middleware from .NET (Version 1.0) i couldn’t find much information. I decided to use the document as the basis for my own libeid wrapper. With the Simple (Wrapper API) reading data becomes extremely easy

using eID.Simple;

Reader reader = Reader.GetReader();
pictureBox.Image = reader.GetImage();
labelName.Text = reader.GetName();
labelGivenNames.Text = reader.GetFirstName1() + reader.GetFirstName2() + reader.GetFirstName3();
dateTimePickerBirthdate.Value = reader.GetBirthdate();

As usual, feel free to download the source (Belgium.zip) and/or leave any comments