Tim Van Wassenhove

Passionate geek, interested in Technology. Proud father of two

14 Jan 2007

Making WebRequests in parallel...

Under the assumption that making sequential WebRequests is slower than making them in parallel i wrote a little program that returns the HTTP status code for each URI in a list. Because the number of WaitHandles on a system is limited to 64 and i would have been required to hack around this limitation i decided to use ThreadPool instead…

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Net;

namespace ManyRequests
	class Program
		static void Main(string[] args)
			List<uri> uris = new List<uri>();
			uris.Add(new Uri("http://www.timvw.be"));
			uris.Add(new Uri("http://example.com/does\_not\_exist"));
			uris.Add(new Uri("http://www.timvw.be/c-sharp"));
			uris.Add(new Uri("http://www.timvw.be/rss-feed/"));
			uris.Add(new Uri("http://localhost"));

		Console.WriteLine("Getting the HttpStatusCodes...");
		HttpStatusCodeReader httpStatusCodeReader = new HttpStatusCodeReader(uris);
		int[] httpStatusCodes = httpStatusCodeReader.GetHttpStatusCodes();

		for (int i = 0; i < uris.Count; ++i) 
			Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", httpStatusCodes[i], uris[i]); }
			Console.Write("{0}Press any key to continue…", Environment.NewLine); 
	public class HttpStatusCodeReader 
		private List<uri> uris;
		private int[] httpStatusCodes;
		private object syncLock;
		private int completed;

		public HttpStatusCodeReader(List<uri> uris)
			if (uris == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("uris");

			foreach (Uri uri in uris)
				if (uri.Scheme != Uri.UriSchemeHttp && uri.Scheme != Uri.UriSchemeHttps)
					throw new ArgumentException(uri.ToString() + " is not valid http(s) uri.", "uris");

			this.uris = uris;
			this.httpStatusCodes = new int[uris.Count];
			this.syncLock = new object();
			this.completed = 0;

		public int[] GetHttpStatusCodes()
			for (int i = 0; i < this.httpStatusCodes.Length; ++i) 
				HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = WebRequest.Create(this.uris[i]) as HttpWebRequest; 
				httpWebRequest.Method = "HEAD"; 
				httpWebRequest.AllowAutoRedirect = true; 
				httpWebRequest.BeginGetResponse(this.GetResponseCompleted, new object[] { httpWebRequest, i });
			lock (this.syncLock) 
				while (this.completed < this.httpStatusCodes.Length) 
			return this.httpStatusCodes; 
		private void GetResponseCompleted(IAsyncResult ar) 
			object[] objects = ar.AsyncState as object[];
			HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = objects[0] as HttpWebRequest; 
			int index = (int)objects[1]; 
			HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse = null; 
				httpWebResponse = httpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(ar) as HttpWebResponse; 
				this.httpStatusCodes[index] = (int)httpWebResponse.StatusCode; 
			catch (WebException webException) 
				httpWebResponse = webException.Response as HttpWebResponse; 
				if (httpWebResponse != null) 
					this.httpStatusCodes[index] = (int)httpWebResponse.StatusCode; 
				if (httpWebResponse != null) 
				lock (this.syncLock) 
					Interlocked.Add(ref this.completed, 1); 