List string resources
Earlier today someone asked how he could list the string resources (name, value and comment) in a Resource file. Here is some code that generates a nice list of the information
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.Write("{0}Press any key to continue...", Environment.NewLine);
public static List<resourceString> GetResourceStrings(string path)
List<resourceString> resourceStrings = new List<resourceString>();
XPathDocument doc = new XPathDocument(path);
foreach (XPathNavigator node in doc.CreateNavigator().Select("//data"))
string type = node.GetAttribute("type", string.Empty);
if (type == string.Empty)
XPathNavigator nav;
string name = node.GetAttribute("name", string.Empty);
nav = node.SelectSingleNode("./value");
string value = nav != null ? nav.Value : string.Empty;
nav = node.SelectSingleNode("./comment");
string comment = nav != null ? nav.Value : string.Empty;
resourceStrings.Add(new ResourceString(name, value, comment));
return resourceStrings;
public static void DisplayResourceStrings(List<resourceString> resourceStrings)
string format = "{0, -25} {1, -25} {2, -25}";
Console.WriteLine(format, "Name", "Value", "Comment");
Console.WriteLine(format, "---", "----", "-----");
foreach (ResourceString resourceString in resourceStrings)
Console.WriteLine(format, resourceString.Name, resourceString.Value, resourceString.Comment);
public struct ResourceString
public string Name;
public string Value;
public string Comment;
public ResourceString(string name, string value, string comment)
this.Name = name;
this.Value = value;
this.Comment = comment;