Tim Van Wassenhove

Passionate geek, interested in Technology. Proud father of two

09 Sep 2007

Build your own netstat.exe with c#

Earlier today i wrote ManagedIpHelper, a wrapper for IP Helper API it’s GetExtendedTcpTable. Using this wrapper i could easily create my own version of netstat.exe. The following code generates the same output (but much faster) than “netstat.exe -anvbp tcp”

static void Main(string[] args)
	Console.WriteLine("Active Connections");

	Console.WriteLine(" Proto Local Address Foreign Address State PID");
	foreach (TcpRow tcpRow in ManagedIpHelper.GetExtendedTcpTable(true))
		Console.WriteLine(" {0,-7}{1,-23}{2, -23}{3,-14}{4}", "TCP", tcpRow.LocalEndPoint, tcpRow.RemoteEndPoint, tcpRow.State, tcpRow.ProcessId);

		Process process = Process.GetProcessById(tcpRow.ProcessId);
		if (process.ProcessName != "System")
			foreach (ProcessModule processModule in process.Modules)
				Console.WriteLine(" {0}", processModule.FileName);

			Console.WriteLine(" [{0}]", Path.GetFileName(process.MainModule.FileName));
			Console.WriteLine(" -- unknown component(s) --");
			Console.WriteLine(" [{0}]", "System");


	Console.Write("{0}Press any key to continue...", Environment.NewLine);

As always, feel free to download the code for the ManagedIpHelper and demo.