Tim Van Wassenhove

Passionate geek, interested in Technology. Proud father of two

24 May 2008

Exploring the Microsoft Sync Framework

Earlier this week i’ve been experimenting with the Microsoft Sync Framework. In a typical n-tier architecture the client can’t access the remote database directly but uses a proxy instead. The available [Earlier this week i’ve been experimenting with the Microsoft Sync Framework. In a typical n-tier architecture the client can’t access the remote database directly but uses a proxy instead. The available](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.synchronization.data.serversyncproviderproxy(SQL.100).aspx) has only one constructor which accepts an object. With reflector i found out that the proxy simply uses reflection to call some methods. Here are a couple of helper classes that help you prevent runtime errors due to this approach

[ServiceContract(Namespace = "http://www.timvw.be/Synchronization")]
public interface IServerSyncProvider
	SyncServerInfo GetServerInfo(SyncSession syncSession);

	SyncSchema GetSchema(Collection<string> tableNames, SyncSession syncSession);

	SyncContext GetChanges(SyncGroupMetadata groupMetadata, SyncSession syncSession);

	SyncContext ApplyChanges(SyncGroupMetadata groupMetadata, DataSet dataSet, SyncSession syncSession);

public class MyServerSyncProviderProxy : ServerSyncProviderProxy
		public MyServerSyncProviderProxy(IServerSyncProvider serverSyncProvider)
		: base(serverSyncProvider)

And now you can easily consume a ServerSyncProviderProxy as following

SyncAgent syncAgent = new SyncAgent();
EndpointAddress address = new EndpointAddress("http://somewhere/Be.Timvw.Demo.Host/ServerSyncProvider.svc");
BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding();
ChannelFactory<iserverSyncProvider> factory = new ChannelFactory<iserverSyncProvider>(binding, address);
IServerSyncProvider serverSyncProvider = factory.CreateChannel();
syncAgent.RemoteProvider = new SafeServerSyncProviderProxy(serverSyncProvider);