POC: Moq API adapter for Rhino Mocks
One of my main concerns with third party software, and software in general, is maintainability. The Rhino Mocks project has been out there for a couple of years now and i’m pretty confident that it won’t go away anytime soon. The Moq project is a lot younger and will have to proove that it can stay alive…
Anyway, because most people seem to digg the Moq API i have decided to write an adapter that provides the same API using Rhino Mocks. Here are some simple examples
public interface IEcho
string Echo(string input);
public class MockTests
public void ShouldBeAbleToReturnObject()
// Arrange
Mock<iecho> sut = new Mock<iecho>();
// Act
IEcho echo = sut.Object;
// Assert
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(echo, typeof(IEcho));
public void ShouldBeAbleToSetupAnAction()
// Arrange
Mock<iecho> sut = new Mock<iecho>();
sut.Setup(delegate(IEcho echo)
// Act
string result = sut.Object.Echo("tim");
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual("tim", result);
public void ShouldBeAbleToVerifyAnAction()
// Arrange
Mock<iecho> sut = new Mock<iecho>();
// Act
// Assert
sut.Verify(delegate(IEcho echo)
public void ShouldBeAbleToVerifyAnActionThatDidNotHappen()
// Arrange
Mock<iecho> sut = new Mock<iecho>();
// Act
// Assert
sut.Verify(delegate(IEcho echo)
public void ShouldBeAbleToRaiseAnEvent()
// Arrange
Mock<iecho> sut = new Mock<iecho>();
bool wasCalled = false;
sut.Object.EchoCompleted += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (sender == sut && e == EventArgs.Empty) wasCalled = true;
// Act
sut.Raise(delegate(IEcho echo) { echo.EchoCompleted += null; }, sut, EventArgs.Empty);
// Assert
public void ShouldBeAbleToThrowAnException()
// Arrange
Mock<iecho> sut = new Mock<iecho>();
sut.Setup(delegate(IEcho echo)
// Act
Here is the actual code for this simplistic adapter
public class Mock<T> where T : class
private readonly T mockedObject;
public Mock()
this.mockedObject = MockRepository.GenerateStub<T>();
public T Object
get { return this.mockedObject; }
public Setup<object, T> Setup(Action<T> action)
return new Setup<object, T>(RhinoMocksExtensions.Stub(this.mockedObject, action));
public Setup<R, T> Setup<R>(Delegates.Function<R, T> action)
return new Setup<R, T>(RhinoMocksExtensions.Stub(this.mockedObject, action));
public void Verify(Action<T> action)
RhinoMocksExtensions.AssertWasCalled(this.mockedObject, action);
public void Raise(Action<T> eventSubscription, params object[] args)
RhinoMocksExtensions.Raise(this.mockedObject, eventSubscription, args);
public Setup<R, T> Throws<e>() where E : Exception, new()
return new Setup<R, T>(this.options.Throw(new E()));
public class Setup<R, T>
private readonly IMethodOptions<R> options;
public Setup(IMethodOptions<R> options)
this.options = options;
public Setup<R, T> Returns(R objToReturn)
return new Setup<R, T>(this.options.Return(objToReturn));
public Setup<R, T> Returns(Delegates.Function<R, T> action)
return new Setup<R, T>(this.options.Do(action));